
Itissafetodeletealltheoldlogfiles.However,naturally(asaprecaution)please:ConsultwithyourI.T.department'swebsiteadministratortobe100% ...,IfyouwanttocleanupIISlogsperiodically,youcanusetheWindowsTaskScheduler.Thisway,youcanautomaticallycleanuplogsatspecifiedintervals.,'DeleteallIISLogFilesolderthan30days.Call...AcoupleofchangeswasmadeespeciallyintheDeleteallIISLogFilesolderthan30dayssection.,20...

Can I safely delete the W3SVC1 Log Files to free up hard ...

It is safe to delete all the old log files. However, naturally (as a precaution) please: Consult with your I.T. department's website administrator to be 100% ...

Clearing IIS Logs at Regular Intervals on Windows Server

If you want to clean up IIS logs periodically, you can use the Windows Task Scheduler. This way, you can automatically clean up logs at specified intervals.

Deleting IIS logs automatically

' Delete all IIS Log Files older than 30 days. Call ... A couple of changes was made especially in the Delete all IIS Log Files older than 30 days section.

How can I keep IIS log files cleaned up regularly?

2009年9月14日 — You'll have to run a scheduled task to do it. Here's a Powershell script that should work. set-location c:-windows-system32-Logfiles-W3SVC1- ...

How to Clear IIS Logs on Windows Server 2012 to 2022?

2023年4月3日 — On the IIS server, press CTRL+R to open the Run dialog, type inetmgr, and press Enter or click OK.

IIS 7 Log Files Auto Delete?

2011年8月2日 — This command is for IIS7, and it deletes all the log files that are one week or older. You can adjust the number of days by changing ...

Is it Safe to Delete IIS Logging?

Navigate to C:-inetpub-logs-LogFiles-W3SVC1 and delete all of the .log files in this location.

Managing IIS Log File Storage

2023年10月27日 — You can automate the task of deleting log files by script by creating a Windows task schedule to run the script periodically. You can schedule ...

管理IIS 記錄檔儲存體

2023年10月28日 — 瞭解如何使用壓縮、遠端儲存和腳本刪除來管理Internet Information Services (IIS) 記錄檔取用的伺服器磁碟空間量。